Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley was installed as the 8th pastor of Alfred Street Baptist Church on September 28, 2008. A native of the south side of Chicago, he is only the 8th pastor in the 210 year history of this church. Since taking the pulpit in April 2008, over 4,000 have joined in fellowship with the Alfred Street Baptist Church family, bringing its membership to nearly 12,000.
Under his leadership, the Male Chorus enjoys the services of two energetic and talented directors that are building on the legacy of more than 52 years of service in the Church and Washington D.C. metro community. Pastor Wesley provides continuous support and encouragement to every male church member who has an interest in serving God through song to consider joining the Male Chorus.
Prior to 1964, the “Singing Deacons” were the exclusive male-vocal voices at the Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC). In 1964 under the direction of Claude Green, this group became the “Male Ensemble. In 1972, as an encouragement for younger men to join the choir, the name was changed to the “Male Chorus.” Alma Sanford became the director in 1984 and Harriet Smith became co-director in 1989. Their broad repertoire has also resulted in invitations from a variety of organizations in the District of Columbia such as the National Museum of American Art, National Cathedral, and Lincoln Theater. Melvin Bryant assumed leadership of the Chorus in September 2009, joined by Co-Director Brandon Felder in August 2011. The members love the Lord, enjoy praising God in song, and enjoy a blessed experience in Christian fellowship and brotherhood.